October marks a month of vibrant celebration as Hensel Phelps focuses on Hispanic Heritage Month. Throughout the month, our teams delve into the rich tapestry of Hispanic culture and its profound influence on our people’s shared heritage.
On Thursday, October 5, Hensel Phelps hosted a panel discussion for Hispanic Heritage Month. Held virtually, our employees from the West to East Coast tuned in to the live event to learn more about Hispanic Heritage and to ask questions. Our panelists came from across the company and from a variety of roles, to discuss their varied backgrounds, the advice they would give to their younger selves and how our people can better support and celebrate Hispanic culture all year round.
Hispanic Heritage Month began in 1968 under US President Lyndon B. Johnson as Hispanic Heritage Week. In 1988 it grew to a 30-day period from September 15 to October 15. This month not only celebrates the contributions of Hispanic individuals but also offers an opportunity to deepen our understanding of their history, traditions and their vital role in shaping the construction industry and our nation’s identity.

Hensel Phelps’ Hispanic Heritage Panelists Include:
- Michelle Keyser | Manager of Supplier Diversity, Southern California Region
- Luis Davalos | Area Superintendent, Northern California
- Jose Diaz Nunez | Project Manager, Southwest
- Denise Cortez | Area Superintendent, Pacific Northwest Region
- Fabian Martinez-Bonilla | Area Superintendent, Mid Atlantic Region
- Abel Bustamante Ochoa | Laborer General Foreman, Rocky Mountain Region
Moderated by Deana Lemos-Garcia, Corporate Human Resources Manager
With individuals stemming from a variety of backgrounds and experiences, Hensel Phelps values the diversity each person brings to our projects and teams. We recognize that collectively those differing opinions and perspectives enhance our efficiency and ability to deliver state-of-the-art projects to our clients nationwide.